Colin Farrell: “You don’t want to be photographed by the paparazzi? Say ‘no’ to the 120 million dollar film”

Looks like Colin Farrell has an answer to stars like Ryan Reynolds who complain about the price of stardom: stop whining!

Looks like Colin Farrell has an answer to stars like Ryan Reynolds who complain about the price of stardom: stop whining!

Irish Central reports Farrell’s comments from an interview with USA Today in which Farrell’s words show a bit of annoyance with Hollywood stars who complain about having to live very public lives as a consequence of their fame.  He gives a simple solution: “You don’t want to be photographed by the paparazzi? Say no to the 120 million dollar film. Eventually they’ll stay away from you.  But you won’t have the other things the 120 million dollar film brings into your life: the good seats at the sports event, the backstage pass to the concert, the nice reclining chair on the plane.”

Agree or disagree with him, Farrell raises a legitimate point: while celebrities are often stalked by photographers and are regularly slammed in tabloids with stories that may not even have a kernel of truth to them, the tradeoff is massive salaries and incredible perks.  This doesn’t mean Farrell enjoys being in the spotlight — he says, “Do I enjoy the paparazzi? No. I went through years of getting in their faces. It was such a disaster. It made my life so much more complicated” — but he claims that it is worth it, adding, “To be able to provide for my family. I’m not going to bitch about it. At times you feel like you have to apologise for being in big films.”  Perhaps more than anything else, Farrell says he is thankful for being able to stay in five-star hotels, explaining, “You’re talking to someone who checks into the Four Seasons and gets giddy at what is on the menu and looks at the on-demand on TV and gets so giddy that I can have films that are still in theatres.”  So what do you think, readers?  Is Farrell correct that the price of stardom is worth it for the perks in return, or do the consequences of celebrity far outweigh the benefits?

Colin Farrell can be currently seen in Fright Night, now playing in theaters.

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