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clint eastwood

Can Broadway’s ‘Jersey Boys’ Expect a Movie Buzz Business Boost?

In one month, Clint Eastwood’s big screen adaptation of the Broadway musical Jersey Boys will open in movie theaters. With the original Broadway production having logged over 3500 performances, the production has been a strong performer in New York for almost a decade. However, should the producers and cast of

Matthew Lillard: “Every career ebbs and flows and right now it’s a good time to be me”

Nobody would fault you if upon hearing the name Matthew Lillard your first thoughts were of a talking dog and the Mystery Machine. Even IMDb’s #1 “Known for” for Lillard is 2002’s live-action Scooby-Doo, in which Lillard somehow managed to pull off the perfect Shaggy. Considering that Lillard has since stared in a live-action sequel to Scooby-Doo and has also been doing the voice for the animated Shaggy for the last several years he isn’t shying away from what some actors might consider a pigeonholing role.

Robert Patrick on Becoming an Actor: “The guys who make it to the major leagues are not there because they are lucky”

I can’t help it — even though it was over twenty years ago now since the release of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, whenever I see Robert Patrick on screen I end up thinking of him as the T-1000. Though I don’t think he minds that one bit, Patrick has had a lot of great roles since then, and he is his usual stoic self as the General Manager for the Atlanta Braves in Trouble with the Curve, which stars Clint Eastwood.

Amy Adams: “I like to try different things to challenge myself and see where I feel comfortable”

The three-time Oscar nominated Amy Adams is so beautiful that if she wanted to she could have made an entire career out of starring as the ditzy, pretty face lead in cheesy romantic comedies. Thank goodness she didn’t, because along with cute family films like Enchanted and The Muppets, Adams has starred in heavy dramas like Doubt, The Fighter, and perhaps the most challenging role of her career, The Master.

Leonardo DiCaprio: “When I can’t immediately define the character, and there’s an element of mystery to it and still a lot to be explored, that’s when I say yes”

Clint Eastwood’s films always come with great expectations — he is one of the few filmmakers who seems to always get magnificent reviews — but the expectations for Eastwood’s J. Edgar might be even more anticipated than usual since the film stars Leonardo DiCaprio, an actor with a reputation for appearing in excellent films himself.

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