In November of 2015, yet another installment to the James Bond / 007 franchise was released, marking the 23rd film featuring the spy. Prior to that epic occasion and in anticipation of the release of SPECTRE, I decided to pay homage to this near six decade old motion picture icon with “Cannibals” from SKYFALL.
“Cannibals” is a Theatrical Cover of the monologue performed by Javier Bardem as his character Raoul Silva as he first appears as the villain in Sam Mendes’ 2012 SkyfallWhich to me remains to be the best of the Daniel Craig Bond films.
In my continued attempt to practice my craft, not only as an actor but as a film maker, I thought it would be prudent to try to with perform and recreate the essence of one of films most revered statuses, the “Bond villain.”
The goal of these Theatrical Covers, for me as an actor and movie lover, are to re-imagine the time, place, pace and tone of a performance in the same way that a musician covers and interprets a song. We can’t let them have all the fun!
When it comes to theatre, an actor always has a chance to play a classic role. In film, once a movie has been made, it’s made, and the chance to play that amazing character won’t likely be an opportunity unless they make a sequel or mount a remake. Unfortunately, I’d rather not wait and put that power in my own hands.
You can follow me and find other “Theatrical Covers” on my Facebook Page or YouTube Channel.