Acting Advice Columns


Acting advice columns are a great resource for actors of all levels of experience. From experienced professionals, these can help you overcome challenges, and give you new perspectives on acting.


Some of the most common topics covered in acting advice columns include:


  • Auditioning: How to prepare for and ace your auditions, including choosing the right material, dressing appropriately, and staying calm under pressure.
  • Headshots and resumes: How to create headshots and resumes that will make you stand out to casting directors.
  • Networking: How to build relationships with other actors and industry professionals.
  • Acting classes: How to choose the right acting classes for your needs and budget.
  • The business side of acting: How to find an agent, negotiate contracts, and manage your career.


Some of the benefits of reading these columns:


  • Learn from experienced professionals: Acting advice columns are often written by experienced actors, directors, and casting directors. This means that you can learn from their insights and advice, which can help you improve your craft and avoid common mistakes.
  • Get new perspectives: They can help you see your craft in a new light. They can introduce you to new techniques and approaches, and help you challenge your assumptions about acting.
  • Stay motivated: Reading acting advice columns can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Seeing other actors succeed can inspire you to keep pursuing your dreams.


If you’re looking for a way to improve your acting skills and knowledge about the industry, check out some the columns below. You may be surprised at how much you can learn.

3 Tips To Finding An Agent

Snagging an agent or manager can be tricky, time consuming, and expensive. Dallas Travers has 3 small steps to help you!

The 5 P’s To A Productive Agent Relationship

At some point an actor will inevitably begin their search to get an agent. Many actors look at the agent relationship as the be?all and end?all. Really, that’s when the work begins, but on a different level.

Using Your High Sensitivity Personality As an Actor

Everyone has some sensitivity to inner experiences and emotions, to the moods of others, and to many other sensations. But highly sensitive people have unusually strong awareness and reactions. Artists, including actors, are often highly sensitive and use this personality trait to be more creative and effective. But since the

Amy Lyndon on the ‘Realities Of The Acting Business’

Over the past several weeks I have been ridiculed for continuing to present to actors positive thoughts and “false hope” about working in the entertainment business given the state of affairs of SAG and the economy.  It has been said by a couple of naysayers that as a teacher it

Resumes: The Phone Number Dilemma

Ever since I moved to LA, I’ve always been told never to put your phone number on your resume. I could totally understand part of the logic. You don’t want your number to fall into the hands of some deranged whacko. There are thousands of stories of headshots ending up

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