CAR: I’m sorry I’m looking at this space and thinking. How much of my time is spent in rehearsal rooms. Days. Months. Years. Changing lines changing scenes changing words trying to make people sound more like people (Beat). I think it was at rehearsal room in the West Fifties that a casting director told me that no one wanted to do my play and there was only one actress who might do it. So we hired her. And she got the Tony Award. It was in a rehearsal room on lower Broadway that George Kaufman’s daughter said, “ My father would have loved you.” It was in a West Forties rehearsal that I met the guy I would marry. And it was a dance call at 890 Broadway when I got the call from Guatemala saying that I had been assigned a child to adopt. “Congratulations, you’re a father” the woman said. I could barely hear her over the tap dancing.
‘Shows for Days’ (Car): “How much of my time is spent in rehearsal rooms”

'Shows for Days' by Douglas Carter Beane
From: Play
Type: Comedic
Character: Car is a smart, cynical and witty playwright.
Gender: Male
Age Range: 30's
Summary: Car is a playwright looking back on a time in his life when he discovered theater.
More: Buy the Play