TRACY: Why are you lecturing me? I don’t know what you’re referring to, but I do know that if certain older and wiser people hadn’t acted like such little babies and gotten all mushy, everything would be okay. And I think certain older persons like you and your “colleague” shouldn’t be leaching after their students, especially when some of them can’t even get their own wives pregnant. And they certainly shouldn’t be running around making slanderous accusations. Especially when certain young, naive people’s mothers are para-legal secretaries at the city’s biggest law firm and have won many successful lawsuits. And if you want to keep questioning me like this, I won’t continue without my attorney present.
‘Election’ (Tracy Flick): “Why are you lecturing me?”

'Election' by Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor
From: Movie
Type: Comedic
Character: Tracy Flick, an uptight high school junior who is running for class president
Gender: Female
Age Range: Teens | Late Teens
Summary: Tracy, in her not-so-subtle-way, tells Mr. McAllister not to mess with her.
More: Watch the Movie