DORALEE: What! You’ve been telling everyone I’m sleeping with you! That explains why everyone’s been treating me like a dime store floozy! They all think I’m banging the boss! And you love it, don’t you. It gives you some sort of cheap thrill, like knocking over pencils and picking up papers. I’ve put up with your grabbing and chasing me around the desk, ‘cause I need this job, but this is the last straw! I’ve got a gun out there in my purse and up to now I’ve been forgiving and forgetting ’cause that’s the way I was brought up but I swear, if you say another word about me, I’ll get that gun of mine. And I’ll change you from a rooster to a hen with one shot!
‘9 to 5: The Musical’ (Doralee): “You’ve been telling everyone I’m sleeping with you!”

9 TO 5: THE MUSICAL by Patricia Resnick. Music & Lyrics by Dolly Parton
From: Musical
Type: Comedic
Character: Doralee, a "sexy as hell country gal, warm and personable with a real smile."
Gender: Female
Age Range: 20's
Summary: Doralee finds out what Mr. Hart has been saying about her behind her back.
More: Read the Musical's Book